Ethical Conduct:

Honesty and integrity lie at the core  of CSH Pharma Group’s business values. Our  operational review Committee, which reports to the Company Board of Directors, oversees all ethical issues. We expect all CSH Pharma Group employees to meet  the highest of ethical standards in business conduct, and we entrust each and every member of our team  to endorse and abide by our Code  of Conduct

Respect For  All:

At CSH Pharma Group,  we respect our communities, our customers, our employees, and our partners. Our policy of promoting an inclusive, bias-free environment is intended to bring to the Company the richness of cultural and social diversity that make  CSH Pharma Group  unique, and we work to build healthy relationships with all our stakeholders. We encourage and expect trust, openness and fairness to be the foundation of all our relationships.

Employment Practices:

We value our employees as our most important asset, and we aim to be recognized as the market leader in recruiting and retaining the most distinguished of individuals. We repay  our employees’ loyalty by investing in their future and welfare.

We treat our employees with respect, transparency, honesty and dignity being the foundations of our relationships. We are equal opportunity employers and we follow fair practices in relation to all employment issues.


We continuously use our experience to influence business and social development in the Pakistan. Our knowledge of the Region and its challenges and opportunities, coupled with our commitment to the betterment of peoples’ lives, urge us to act as a tool for change in Pakistan. By sharing our experiences and our best practices, and by promoting the values that CSH Pharma Group  stands for, we aim to raise the bar.

Products and customers:

We place the customer first. Our products are created to contribute to bettering the lives of our customers and to alleviating suffering from illness. We comply with all relevant laws and regulations in all the locations where  we operate, and we abide by strict ethical, medical, and scientific standards in the production and promotion of all CSH Pharma Group products.

Our  Approach

We believe we owe a duty of care  towards our employees, our customers, our suppliers and the wider community. Our commitment to operating responsibly has and will continue to differentiate us from our competitors. It has helped us to build our strong brand  and,  ultimately, it will help us to drive sales and to operate more efficiently.

Our Corporate Responsibility structure is in line with our ongoing aim of embedding our approach throughout the CSH Pharma Group  and driving the Corporate Responsibility program from the senior management to operational functions.


CSH Pharma Group,  like every business, has an impact on the environment. We are working towards limiting that impact by educating our staff and encouraging them  to think about  their effect on the environment in everything they do.

CSH Pharma Group’s Environmental Policy’s four key objectives:

  1. To integrate our environmental policy across the Group;
  2. To reduce our impact on climate change;
  3. To comply with environmental legislation and regulation.
  4. To strive for continuous improvement in our environmental protection and to complete the process of implementation of ISO 14001.

We strive to protect  the natural environment focusing in particular on minimizing waste, carbon

emissions, monitoring and reducing energy usage and minimizing demands for water consumption. We are dedicated to minimizing our impact on the environment across our businesses, while at the same time meeting our corporate and business requirements to reduce costs and operate more efficiently.

Energy, Waste & Water:

We streamlined our operations in 2012 by introducing energy saving, waste reduction and water  use efficiency systems. We encouraged employees across the Group to recycle paper in line with our commitment to establish an environmentally conscious work force. In addition we focused on minimizing water consumption by implementing new manufacturing processes that treat water waste for re-use in irrigation

Green Buildings:

CSH Pharmaceuticals new building is built in an environmentally friendly location. CSH Pharma Group  is serious in its commitment to the environment as an integral part of its corporate responsibility strategy.


CSH Pharma Group  is committed to the highest ethical principles and we ensure that all our employees conform to the highest possible standards of integrity and honesty.

Human Rights :

CSH Pharma Group  is aligning operations with the UNGC’s ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. CSH Pharma Group’s Code  of Conduct and supporting policies mirror our commitment to uphold Human  Rights and sustain the highest employment standards. Moreover, CSH Pharma Group has an Equal Treatment of Employees, which states that we do not condone favoritism or inequality in any shape or form.

Operational Review Committee (ORC) :

ORC is a committee meeting on weekly basis and discussing all operational issues, Future prospects and planning. ORC is also responsible for formalizing CSH Pharma Group’s strong ethical commitment to business integrity.

Suppliers :

CSH Pharma Group  exercises an extensive supplier selection process that ensures that chosen suppliers have  the GMP (Good  Manufacturing Practices) certificate or its equivalent. We also utilize Suppliers Audit Questionnaires that relate to the environment, Human  Rights, child labor and other relevant issues to help with assessing the suppliers’ practices and increase their awareness of responsible operations and business ethics.

Code Of Conduct :

  • At CSH Pharma Group we have  always been committed to maintaining high standards of ethical conduct in our business and our dealings with other people and entities. How we do business is as important as what we do and why we do it.
  •  We understand that any failures of integrity risk damaging our long-term success, and we conduct our business in adherence to principles of quality, integrity, transparency, dignity and respect for all.

CSH Pharma Group’s Code  of Conduct provides all CSH Pharma Group  employees, and others who act for us, with a clear understanding of the principles of business conduct, standards, and ethical behavior that are expected of them.

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